


Hello, this is a very personal page, in the last year or so I have found myself shifting my focus in comedy and it has opened lots of opportunities for me, this website, my vlogs, my podcast and more content in a whole variety of forms with lots of great collaborators that I would have never had the chance to work with before and I find that I have never felt more creatively fulfilled.

However I have also found that my work output has increased exponentially. On top of a full time job I’m also performing stand up and improv (along with the travelling involved), writing new material, creating, editing and publishing content every day.

Which is why I’ve made a patreon page which is hereĀ

There are people who have seen me on this journey since the beginning and know that I have always put my finances way below making sure that people are entertained and believe me if I could have a patreon where people donated me an extra few hours in the day I would much rather that than ask for money.

But if you would like to help me on this wonderful journey that I am on then I would be greatly appreciative, it would mean the world to me and I can promise it would only mean more comedy videos, jokes, sketches, podcasts for you and everyone to enjoy.

Peace out and thank you xx